This was Howie’s first ever agility meet. It is the North Alabama Canine Cruisers NADAC trial. He was a bit overwhelmed and ran a little slow, but he did get a qualifying run on a Novice Jumpers course. This was Miley’s second NADAC trial and she finished off her Novice Jumpers title.
Howie’s first trial run, Novice Regular (NQ)
Howie’s first qualifying run, Novice Jumpers – 4th place! (out of 13)
Miley getting a Q on a Novice Regular run – 1st place! (out of 12)
Miley’s title run on Novice Jumpers – 2nd place! (out of 16)
Miley getting a Q on a Open Jumpers course – 1st place! (out of 4)
Congratulations, Miley and Howie! It’s great to see them enjoying the competition! Thanks for sharing!! :)
Congrates Miley and Howie! You guys look great out there.
Wow that looked like fun, she’s fast !
Wow that was great to watch! Good job on all of your jumps!!
That was awesome! Nice jumping, and boy is Miley fast!
That has to be one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!!! My youngest dog Phoenix would be great at that, but I think he’s ADD. He wouldn’t be able to focus haha. He’s the kind of dog that is in the middle of going potty and runs away after something shiny! :P
wow your dogs are soo cool. I wish my dog was that cool. all my dog dose play play play play play .
your dogs are amazing!! i couldn’t stop smiling throughout the video. they did a really good job!
Hi! I just loved watching your dog at the Agility course, they did great… I know it’s almost 2011, have they done anything lately? Anymore filming of it?
at 6:34:52 pm
Wow! That is great! Agility is such a great bonding for you and the pups. :-) They did a great job. :-)
at 7:31:34 am
Congratulations, Miley and Howie! It’s great to see them enjoying the competition! Thanks for sharing!! :)
at 6:28:36 pm
Congrates Miley and Howie! You guys look great out there.
at 3:23:53 pm
Wow that looked like fun, she’s fast !
at 2:00:15 pm
Wow that was great to watch! Good job on all of your jumps!!
at 2:10:16 pm
That was awesome! Nice jumping, and boy is Miley fast!
at 9:50:24 am
That has to be one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!!! My youngest dog Phoenix would be great at that, but I think he’s ADD. He wouldn’t be able to focus haha. He’s the kind of dog that is in the middle of going potty and runs away after something shiny! :P
at 8:04:11 pm
wow your dogs are soo cool. I wish my dog was that cool. all my dog dose play play play play play .
at 11:52:10 pm
your dogs are amazing!! i couldn’t stop smiling throughout the video. they did a really good job!
at 8:17:59 pm
Hi! I just loved watching your dog at the Agility course, they did great… I know it’s almost 2011, have they done anything lately? Anymore filming of it?